• "She wanted to do things without having to worry what others thought. She simply lived for her freedom."
  • "But Kazu still goes on believing that, no matter what difficulties people face, they will always have the strength to overcome them. It just takes heart. And if the chair can change someone’s heart, it clearly has its purpose."
  • "It takes courage to say what has to be said."
  • "At the end of the day, whether one returns to the past or travels to the future, the present doesn't change."
  • “Water flows from high places to low places. That is the nature of gravity. Emotions also seem to act according to gravity. When in the presence of someone with whom you have a bond, and to whom you have entrusted your feelings, it is hard to lie and get away with it. The truth just wants to come flowing out. This is especially the case when you are trying to hide your sadness or vulnerability. It is much easier to conceal sadness from a stranger, or from someone you don’t trust.”
  • “No matter what difficulties people face, they will always have the strength to overcome them. It just takes heart.”
  • “I cannot stand the idea of us staying together only out of sympathy” 
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