The Multiverse of Love is where science meets spirituality, and love becomes the ultimate force connecting the multiverse.

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Dive into this tale of love, destiny, and the enduring power of connection as Akshay and Saesha navigate the complexities of their intertwined lives.

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Homing Pigeons is the story of love between these two unsuspecting characters as it is of lust, greed, separations, prejudices and crumbling spines.

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Witness the perfect cocktail of friendship, love, passion, jealousy and revenge in this thrilling story. Because, sometimes, Friendship Bites!

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The Secret Escape to a New Life is a modest attempt to answer the questions raised above. It’s a heart-warming, inspiring, and soul-healing story.

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Starfish Pickle is an adventurous story which revolves around the impact of past secrets and unconventional life choices.

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A HEART FULL OF HOPE is a story of realising dreams, fulfilling promises, resilience and mending hearts. Because in the end, it doesn’t matter who was right, but what is left in a relationship!

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This is a sensational story of finding love against all odds, of exploring the other side of hope, and of breaking the rules of the world to Gift Me a New Beginning.

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What happens when Cupid transcends the barriers of the virtual world and strikes the heart of two gamers?

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Shani does not have a care in the world. The fourteen-year-old is a cop’s son who enjoys life with his friends and family. His elder sister’s wedding is coming up and he wants to make sure everything is perfect. But amidst all this happiness, there are mysterious events happening at home, that he is not privy to.

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Happy are those who dream. And are willing to pay the price to make them come true. Arvind, lovingly called Aru, comes to Mussoorie to work as a canteen boy. But he has bigger dreams. Beginning his life from scratch in the new city, he works relentlessly to grow. Brajesh Thakur, a successful businessman, leaves no stone unturned to find his father’s killer.

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Equations is a story of aspiration and social change, of individual ambition and family bonds. It announces the arrival of a striking new talent who examines the secret worlds of New Delhi’s political and business families.

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